Friday, June 18, 2010

WFP: La Dolce Vita

Weekend Flick Pick

La Dolce Vita is, quite simply put, filmmaking at its very best. It is also filmmaking at its absolute coolest. There is now so much mythology around the film and people associated with it, that you could easily write a book on the subject (and a very large one at that). For example, the word Paparazzi has now become part of the lexicon of British popular culture, but the word comes from the name of the character "Paparazzo" in the film. Also think of the Trevi fountain, and an image of the buxom Anita Ekberg, lolloping about in the water wearing her party frock, instantly springs to mind!

La Dolce Vita (The Sweet Life/ The Good Life) caused a sensation when it was released, and was banned in Italy for many years. It ushered in a different era of sexual identity and cultural awareness; and displayed a pessimism regarding Catholism which wasn't taken kindly to in certain quarters! The film was directed  by Italian cinemas' Enfant Terrible - Federico Fellini, and playing the lead character of bored hack-journalist Marcello, is the wonderful Marcello Mastroianni.

The cinematography, the attention to detail (in the clothes, the architecture, and nightclubs) and the acting are all sublime. If you are going to Rome for a holiday, this film is a must see, if not see it anyway!

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