Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shoes for Monday Blues

Most people either love or hate The Wizard of Oz. I personally love it. Although forget flying monkeys and mad witches, it was THOSE red shoes that I was really interested in. I honestly did believe they were magic! So you can imagine how over the rainbow I was when I spotted these "Dorothy" Patrick Cox heels on the internet - the stuff dreams are made of! Blue ginhgam dress and white ankle socks optional.


  1. Well, it's official, we're 2 of a kind! Where did you find those shoes? xx's

  2. Thankyou Splenderosa! I always do a low maintenance shoe piece on a Monday morining - but I try to trawl the web in advance and find the most visually stunning ones I can - I'm glad you like these. I did have a similar pair of Kurt Geiger ones a few years ago - they were actually sequin ones though (rather than just glittery), and unfortunately loads of the sequins fell off (life is full of little lessons!) :-P Pargy
