Friday, May 14, 2010

WFP: Rear Window

Weekend Flick Pick

I have many favourite Hitchcock films (well, OK, all of them really), but the one which I watch repeatedly, without ever getting tired of, is Rear Window. My goodness, Grace Kelly is the epitome of style in this film. She is the best Hitchcock actress on the block (Sorry Tippi you are amazing in The Birds, and Isabella, you really are quite the socialite in Notorious; but neither of you are quite in the same league as "the Princess"). The clothes are incredible, the storyline is totally unbelievable and Jimmy Stewart is the coolest actor in the world ever!!! (Yes, even cooler than Steve McQueen - but only just!)

OK, so lets look at the dodgy premise for the film.

Wheelchair bound journalist bored of convalescing at home, finds a pair of binoculars and takes up spying on his neighbours. Meets Grace Kelly, spies on her, witnesses a murder which puts him in a tricky situation totally of his own making because he is such a complete nosey parker. Moral dilemmas abound: should the guy go to the police, or let somebody know? Maybe he could hire a detective, I mean he's an American right?! Nope. He breaks into the murderers flat whilst he is out (what a total stupid)! Anyways, I'm not going to tell you any more. Instead I shall be Hitchcock's advocate and keep you in suspense with a gripping cliffhanger!

This film is paranoid, beautiful, claustrophobic and full of sexual tension. Please watch it and find out what happens to Jimmy!


  1. You could do worse than run a poll on Kelly-Bergman-Bacall-Hepburn for Queen of the Princesses? or Stewart vs ... Gregory Peck in 'To Kill..', James Dean in 'East of..', Marlon in 'On The..', Newman in 'Cat' - you have to work hard for great male performances - plenty of great roles mind you but how many great performances?

    The Dames seem to win out on the style stakes. Still, Humphrey, Hunter & I are planning a comeback with Jonny Depp in the lead.. maybe ought to put 'Donnie Brasco' up there in the list?

    lol x

  2. Forgot Burton in 'Look Back..', another clawback for the Guys :)

  3. De Niro is another king of cool (or was it Comedy) for me! Ps really enjoying your new blog!!!
