Thursday, April 8, 2010

Etsy Corner

Now girlies, are you sitting comfortably? Then let me introduce you to Etsy Corner. We all love looking at Etsy... and going wow I wish I could buy that, but then our hearts sink as most stuff's from the States and I live in the UK. Well, of course there is Folksy, which is a kind of UK version, except it's still got a way to go to catch up with Etsy, and obviously the US is like full of a gazillion people, so the law of averages probably stipulate that Etsy is going to feature a large amount of stuff by very crafty people!

To kick off with, here are some delightful little sketches and felt pictures from Lisa Stubbs, that I came across this week. They are inexpensive, adorable and shippable to the UK, so you have no flippin-well excuse to say it's too much effort to buy things from the states OK! Ps. If you like this, you will also almost certainly love the work of Los Angeles based artist Liz Adams, who created the artwork for this site, and I shall be creating a special post on her work in a few days time. Pps. She also sells stuff on Etsy.


  1. Etsy rocks! I have a pendant made from a Scrabble tile, and a notebook made from a pregnancy test box, both from Etsy.

    The notebook caused great amusement when I left it on a desk in the bank the other day.

    Checking out Lisa Stubbs right now!

    BTW, didn't even know Folksy existed! Might be part of the problem...

  2. Yes, perhaps Folksy need to market themselves more!

    That notebook sounds great - I want one. I could leave it round at my parents to freak them out!
